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LOMOND COMMUNITY SCHOOL -- this is said with pride and excitement


  • Kindergarten to Grade 12 are all in one school
  • Small class sizes allows for individual teaching and learning
  • Excellent differentiation at all levels
  • German Classes and recognition of all cultural groups
  • Project Citizenship (96% of parents feel our students model active citizenship)
    • Serve at the Soup Kitchen/ Clean Up the Town/ Sort Christmas Shoeboxes
  • Junior and Senior Leadership Opportunities
  • Junior and Senior High Tour of Trades
  • Grade 1 - 4 Field Trips and Swimming Trip
  • Student Run Christmas Market
  • Parents have a voice
  • Strong athletic opportunities
  • Hands-on Learning (93% students feel engaged and motivated in their learning)
  • We just have great fun learning!!

Although we are a small town school our students are able to access a broad range of programs and our teaching is rigorous and relevant.  97% of our parents feel their children demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.  94% of our students are motivated to do their best at school.  Our music and athletic programs are strong and growing.  In addition to these, we are able to offer options in multimedia, sewing, woodworking, advanced technology, music and food studies.  We’ve also had several students participating in dual credit programming, green certificate, and work experience.

It's fun when you can say with pride -- we have a great school in our small community!!  Come for a visit.

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