Phone: (403) 792-3620 (school)
Staff Directory

Tessa Bailey
Grade 5 - 8 Social, 5/6 Language Arts and CTF/ CTS

Paul Doig
Grade 5- 12 Math, CTF and PE 9 - 12
Phone: 403-792-3620 (school)

Amber Doram
Grade 7 - 12 Social and 9 - 12 English, PE 7/8
Phone: 403-792-3620 (school)

Jenna Greene
Language Arts and Math 1/2 and Language Arts 7/8
Phone: 403-792-3620 (school)

Rachael Heise
3-4 Homeroom (LA, Social and Science), 1-2 Science and 9-10 Options
Phone: (403)-792-3620

Jeremy Poettcker
Grade 5 - 12 Science (including Chemisty, Biology and Physics)
Phone: (403)-792-3620
Support Staff

Alicia Earl
Administrative Assistant

Breanna Eisen
Educational Assistant

Helena Goertzen
Mennonite Liasion Consultant

Mirtha Guzman Pitari
Educational Assitant

Skylar Howg
Educational Assistant

Sharla Kane
Career Practioner

Judy Klassen
Educational Assistant

Chelsey Mills
Family Connections Wellness Coach

Crystal Norris
Educational Assistant

Lisa Sowinski
First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Liaison Worker

Melissa Gartly