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We Can't Wait to See All Our Students!

It's just a few short days before school starts.  We can't wait to be back, to see everyone and to continue learning.

Preparing to return has been a collaborative response between government, division and now our local school.  We took your questions from our zoom parent meeting and worked on our RE-ENTRY PLAN.  This plan is now posted here on our website under documents.  All parents have also received a copy of this document through email.  If you still have questions that haven't been addressed here please don't hesitate to get ahold of Mrs. Gartly.

Things will look different.  COVID has made many things different but these are functional details.  Our core commitment has not changed --- we are committed to your kids, we are committed to their learning, and we are committed to engaging growing citizens.  My hope is that your child will recognize sanitizing and masking as part of their routine but will clearly remember positive learning experiences, engaging lessons and excited teachers.  This is our goal!

As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to give me a call (403-331-5552) or send an email (  Tell your kids the countdown has begun -- August 31st!!

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