We Are Headed Back to School!!
Our first day of school is August 31st and we can't wait to be back with our students.
I'm sure (as parents) you have so many questions. We will be having a zoom parent meeting on August 5th at 7:00pm. A zoom link for the meeting will be sent to all parents and guardians.
I want you to know I'm confident in our plan. Our staff are working hard to live with our new reality while still creating exciting learning opportunities. Things will look different but these are functional details. Our core commitment has not changed --- we are committed to your kids, we are committed to their learning, and we are committed to engaging growing citizens.
As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to give me a call (403-331-5552) or send an email (melissa.gartly@horizon.ab.ca). Enjoy the summer sun and we'll see you on August 5th at 7:00pm.