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There have been so many questions already about what school will look like in these next few weeks.  Everyone is tired of changes.  This pandemic journey is much like a marathon.  We are in a painful part of the race but we know there is hope and we know we can do this!


The reality is our leaders (both provincial and within our division) are working hard to make this all work.  Just remember we’ve been through this before (in the spring) and we have your back.  We are working today on solidifying the details and all junior and senior high students will come home Thursday with a clear plan and ability to access learning materials.  Elementary learning will continue as is until January 4th.

Look for formal updates on Thursday morning.  In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.  Melissa Gartly (403-331-5552) ( 


PS COVID has NOTHING on Lomond Community School.  Our students and staff got this!!


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