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If you've made  your way to our website you probably already recognize what Lomond Community School is all about.  Here is a look at our goals for 2024 and how we have accomplished them.

GOAL #1 -- READING LEVELS -- We set a goal for all elementary students to improve in their reading AND they have.  We have students who have jumped from reading level D to L this year.  It's not just reading but they are comprehending their reading.  We celebrate the growth and hard work our students (and staff) have put into this accomplishment.

GOAL #2 -- MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING -- As students contribute to a community they gain confidence and stronger mental health.  Our goal this year was for every student to use their gifts to lead.  We've had students start clubs (art club, girls club, boys club).  Students have led our monthly all school assemblies.  Students have stepped up to do work experience or reffing of games.  Students have been reading buddies and helped set up and tear down for events.  Students have unloaded snack loads each week.

GOAL #3 -- BUILDING JUNIOR and SENIOR HIGH ENGAGEMENT --  We've discussed the practical uses of finishing school.  We've coordinatored job shadowing opportunities for grade 9 - 12 students to explore career ideas.  We've engaged students in tours of job opportunities in the trades.  We've had 3 students complete dual credit opportunities.  We implemented Experience Fridays where students were able to experience a variety of new learning opportunities.  Students and staff shared their passion with each other.  We also offered a huge variety of sports opportunities for students grade 7 - 12.

Our school community has worked so hard and it is neat to see their incredible success!

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